Polymer Molecular Weight Distribution Experiments

Language: Excel/VisualBasic.

Objective: A program to simulate growth of many polymer chains by free radical polymerization and count chains of given degree of polymerization. A graphical output of the results is available.

Notes: Includes data for experiments with the following monomers: acrylonitrile, methyl methacrylate, styrene, vinyl acetate and vinyl chloride. Data about other or additional monomers can easily incorporated to the program. Termination of the polymerization process can be chosen: by dispropornation or by coupling.

Click here to download the Excel file or use the Visual Basic for Applications listing below.

***** Begin of Program Listing *****

' A program to simulate growth of many polymer chains by free
' radical polymerization and count chains of given degree of
' polymerization.
' Original Basic Program by L. Oliver Smith, Valparaiso University.
' See Journal of Chemical Education, Sept. 1988, 795-796.
'              Excel/Visual Basic version developed by
'                       Antonio Augusto Gorni
'                        São Vicente, Brazil
'                          www.gorni.eng.br
'                          April 18, 2002

Option Explicit

' Definition of Global Constants.

Public Const gintMaxNo As Integer = 5000
Public Const gintArrMax As Integer = 10000

' Defining Global Variables.

Public intL As Integer
Public intPolOpt As Integer
Public intMaxNum As Integer
Public intMaxWt As Integer
Public intSample As Integer
Public intXAxisTicksnumber As Integer
Public intYAxisTicksnumber As Integer
Public intXAxisTicksWeight As Single
Public intYAxisTicksWeight As Single
Public sngM0 As Single
Public sngInit As Single
Public sngMonMolWt As Single
Public sngKit As Single
Public sngKpt As Single
Public sngSamplSum(200) As Single
Public sngSmplTotl(200) As Single
Public sngXMinNumber As Single
Public sngXMaxNumber As Single
Public sngYMinNumber As Single
Public sngYMaxnumber As Single
Public sngXMinWeight As Single
Public sngXMaxWeight As Single
Public sngYMinWeight As Single
Public sngYMaxWeight As Single
Public strXAxisLegendNumber As String
Public strYAxisLegendNumber As String
Public strXAxisLegendWeight As String
Public strYAxisLegendWeight As String
Public strPolymer As String
Public strTerm As String
Public strBuffer As String

Dim intQ As Integer
Dim intN As Integer
Dim intSize As Integer
Dim intDP(gintArrMax) As Integer
Dim sngR0 As Single
Dim sngRatio As Single
Dim sngIncrement As Single
Dim sngAvMolWt As Single
Dim sngKinChL As Single
Dim sngChnSum As Single
Dim sngMassUm As Single
Dim boolDone As Boolean
Dim boolTerminate As Boolean
' sngM0        >   Monomer Concentration
' sngInit      >   Initiator Concentration
' sngr0        >   Free Radical Concentration
' sngRatio     >   Ratio of Polymerization Rate to Termination Rate
' sngMonMolWt  >   Molecular Weight of Monomer
' sngKit       >   Square Root(ki/kt)
' sngKpt       >   kp/kt
' sngChnSum    >   Total Number of Chains Formed
' sngMassUm    >   Total Mass of Polymer
' sngSamplSum  >   Maximum Number Fraction
' sngSamplTotl >   Maximum Weight Fraction
' intSample    >   Number of Degrees of Polymerization per Sample
' intL         >   Highest Degree of Polymerization
' sngAvMolWt   >   Number Average Molecular Weight of Polymer
' sngKinChL    >   Kinetic Chain Length

Sub Auto_Open()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

' Introduc Macro:
' Display Basic Info about the Program.

Sub Introduc()
   Load frmIntroduction
   Set frmIntroduction = Nothing

End Sub

' Input_Data Macro:
' Get data about Polymer and Monomer/Initiator Concentration.

Sub Input_Data()
Dim intIJ As Integer
   Set frmPolyData = Nothing
' Checks Again If User Gave Up.

    If intPolOpt = 0 Then Exit Sub
' User is Turned On: Program Continues.
' Initializes Variables...

    For intIJ = 1 To gintArrMax
        intDP(intIJ) = 0
    Next intIJ
    sngR0 = sngKit * Sqr(sngInit)
    sngRatio = 0.5 * sngM0 * sngKpt / sngR0
    sngRatio = sngRatio / (1# + sngRatio)
    intQ = Int((1# + 0.0268 * sngM0 * sngKpt / sngR0) + 0.5)

End Sub

' PropagaTd Subroutine:
' Procedure to Simulate Degrees of Polymerization of Polymer Chains
' Based on Relative Probabilities of Propagation and Termination by
' Disproportionation

Sub PropagaTd(sngR As Single, intU As Integer)
Dim sngA As Single
    intU = 1
    boolTerminate = False
    Do Until boolTerminate Or (intU = gintArrMax)
        sngA = Rnd
        If sngA < sngR Then
            intU = intU + 1   ' Terminate or grow based on probability
                              ' intU = chain length
            boolTerminate = True
        End If
    If intU < gintArrMax Then intDP(intU) = intDP(intU) + 1   ' Add 1 to deg. of polym. counter

End Sub

' PropagTc Subroutine
' Procedure to Simulate Degrees of Polymerization of Polymer Chains
' Based on Relative Probabilities of Propagation and Termination by
' Coupling
Sub PropagaTc(sngR As Single, intJ As Integer)
Dim intIncr As Integer
Dim intU As Integer
Dim sngA As Single
Dim intPlen(2) As Integer
   For intIncr = 1 To 2
       intU = 1
       boolTerminate = False
       Do Until boolTerminate Or (intU = gintArrMax)
           sngA = Rnd
           If sngA < sngR Then
               intU = intU + 1   ' Terminate or Grow Based on Probability
                                 ' intU = growing chain length
               boolTerminate = True
           End If
       intPlen(intIncr) = intU
   Next intIncr
   intJ = intPlen(1) + intPlen(2)   ' intJ = Coupled Chain Length
   If intJ < gintArrMax Then intDP(intJ) = intDP(intJ) + 1   ' Add to Coupled Chain Length Counter}
End Sub

' CalculNs Subroutine
' Calculates Total Number of Chains Formed, "Mass of Polymer", Maximum
' Number Fraction, Maximum Weight Fraction and Numbers of Degrees of
' Polymerization per Sample

Sub CalculNs(sngAvMw As Single, sngSum() As Single, sngTotal() As Single, _
             intStep As Integer, intMax1 As Integer, intMax2 As Integer)
Dim intJ As Integer
Dim intK As Integer
Dim intNI As Integer
Dim intTerm As Integer
Dim sngW As Single
Dim intW1(gintArrMax) As Integer
Dim intW2(gintArrMax) As Integer

    intMax1 = 1
    intMax2 = 1
    sngChnSum = 0#
    sngMassUm = 0#
    For intJ = 1 To intL
        sngW = intJ * intDP(intJ) ' Calculate Weight of Polymer Chain Length I
        intW1(intJ) = Int(sngW / 30000#)
        intW2(intJ) = Int(sngW - Int(intW1(intJ) * 30000#))
        sngMassUm = sngMassUm + sngW   ' Calculate Total Weight of Polymer
        sngChnSum = sngChnSum + intDP(intJ) ' Calculate Total Number of Chains
    sngAvMw = sngMassUm / sngChnSum
    intTerm = Int(sngAvMw * 5# + 0.5)
    sngAvMw = sngAvMw * sngMonMolWt
    If intTerm > intL Then intTerm = intL
    intStep = (intTerm + 199) \ 200
    For intJ = 1 To 200
        sngSum(intJ) = 0#
        sngTotal(intJ) = 0#
        For intNI = 1 To intStep
            intK = intStep * (intJ - 1) + intNI
            sngSum(intJ) = sngSum(intJ) + intDP(intK) ' Sum Number of Chains in Range
            sngTotal(intJ) = sngTotal(intJ) + intW1(intK) * 30000# + intW2(intK)    ' Sum Chain Weights in range
        Next intNI
        If sngSum(intJ) > sngSum(intMax1) Then intMax1 = intJ   ' Find Largest Sum of Chains
        If sngTotal(intJ) > sngTotal(intMax2) Then intMax2 = intJ   ' Find Largest Sum of Weights
    Next intJ
    For intJ = 1 To 200
        sngSum(intJ) = sngSum(intJ) / sngChnSum  ' Convert to Fractions
        sngTotal(intJ) = sngTotal(intJ) / sngMassUm   ' Convert to Fractions
    Next intJ
End Sub

' Clear Macro:
' Prepares Spreadsheet for New Calculation.

Sub Clear()
Dim intCounter As Integer

' Clear Graphics.

   If [E10] <> "" Then
      ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("First Graph").Activate
      ActiveWindow.Visible = False
      ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Second Graph").Activate
      ActiveWindow.Visible = False
   End If
' Clear Numerical Data.
   For intCounter = 10 To 22
      Cells(intCounter, "E") = ""
   Next intCounter

End Sub

' Start Macro:
' Executes the Numerical Calculations.

Sub Start()

Dim intIJ As Integer
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intAux As Integer

' Clear the Results of Previous Calculations.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Data Input Using Forms: Type of Polymerization Reaction.
' Checks if User Gave Up.

   If intPolOpt = 0 Then Exit Sub
' User is Turned On: Program Continues.
' Data Input.
' Begin Calculations...
   Select Case intPolOpt
   Case 1
      intL = 1
      For intN = 1 To gintMaxNo
          PropagaTd sngRatio, intSize   ' Build ggintMaxNo of "Polymer Chains"
          If intSize > intL Then intL = intSize   ' Set l at Largest Chain Length
      Next intN
      CalculNs sngAvMolWt, sngSamplSum, sngSmplTotl, intSample, intMaxNum, intMaxWt
      [E11] = "Disproportionation"
      strTerm = "D"
      sngKinChL = sngAvMolWt / sngMonMolWt
   Case 2
       intL = 1
       For intN = 1 To gintMaxNo
           PropagaTc sngRatio, intSize  ' Build ggintMaxNo of "Polymer Chains"
           If intSize > intL Then intL = intSize   ' Set l at Largest Chain Length}
       Next intN
       CalculNs sngAvMolWt, sngSamplSum, sngSmplTotl, intSample, intMaxNum, intMaxWt
       [E11] = "Coupling"
       strTerm = "C"
       sngKinChL = sngAvMolWt / sngMonMolWt / 2
   End Select
 ' Output Numerical Data...
   [E10] = strPolymer
   [E12] = sngM0
   [E13] = sngInit
   [E14] = sngR0
   [E15] = sngChnSum
   [E16] = sngMassUm
   [E17] = sngSamplSum(intMaxNum)
   [E18] = sngSmplTotl(intMaxWt)
   [E19] = intSample
   [E20] = intL
   [E21] = sngAvMolWt
   [E22] = sngKinChL

' Generates Data for Graphics...

   For intI = 1 To 200
      intAux = intI * intSample
      Range("A" & intI + 1) = intI * intSample
      Range("B" & intI + 1) = sngSamplSum(intI)
      Range("C" & intI + 1) = sngSmplTotl(intI)
      If strTerm = "D" Then
         Range("D" & intI + 1) = CSng(intSample) * Exp(intAux * Log(sngKinChL / (sngKinChL + 1#))) / sngKinChL
         Range("E" & intI + 1) = CSng(intSample) * CSng(intAux) * Exp(intAux * Log(sngKinChL / (sngKinChL + 1#))) / (sngKinChL * sngKinChL)
         strBuffer = "Disproportionation"
      End If
      If strTerm = "C" Then
         Range("D" & intI + 1) = CSng(intSample) * CSng(intAux - 1) * Exp(intAux * Log(sngKinChL / (sngKinChL + 1#))) / (sngKinChL * sngKinChL)
         Range("E" & intI + 1) = CSng(intSample) * CSng(intAux) * CSng(intAux - 1) * Exp(intAux * Log(sngKinChL / (sngKinChL + 1#))) / (2# * sngKinChL * sngKinChL * sngKinChL)
         strBuffer = "Coupling"
      End If
   Next intI

' Plots results...

   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, 420, 202.5).Select
   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Name = "First Graph"
   Application.CutCopyMode = False
   ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
   ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Graphic_Data").Range( _
           "A2:B201,D2:D201"), PlotBy:=xlColumns
   ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=""Simulated Polymerization"""
   ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=""Theoretical Curve"""
   ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Polymer_Graphics"
   With ActiveChart
           .HasTitle = True
           .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = _
           "Number Fraction Distribution of D.P. - " + strBuffer
           .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
           .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = _
           "Degree of Polymerization - " + strPolymer
           .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
           .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Fraction"
   End With
   ActiveChart.HasLegend = True
   Selection.Position = xlBottom
   With Selection.Border
      .ColorIndex = 1
      .Weight = xlThin
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
   End With
   Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(500, 0, 420, 202.5).Select
   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(2).Name = "Second Graph"
   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Second Graph").Activate
   Application.CutCopyMode = False
   ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
   ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Graphic_Data").Range( _
           "A2:A201,C2:C201,E2:E201"), PlotBy:=xlColumns
   ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=""Simulated Polymerization"""
   ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=""Theoretical Curve"""
   ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Polymer_Graphics"
   With ActiveChart
           .HasTitle = True
           .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = _
           "Weight Fraction Distribution of D.P. - " + strBuffer
           .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
           .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = _
           "Degree of Polymerization - " + strPolymer
           .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
           .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Fraction"
   End With
   ActiveChart.HasLegend = True
   Selection.Position = xlBottom
   With Selection.Border
      .ColorIndex = 1
      .Weight = xlThin
      .LineStyle = xlContinuous
   End With
   Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
'   ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("First Graph").Select
End Sub

***** End of Program Listing ******

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Last Update: 01 April 2004
© Antonio Augusto Gorni